I came on the site because my sister and I have a binding upon us and need it removed. My mother and aunt put it upon us when I was two and my sister was 3 months old. We don't know why; they won't tell us why but we want it removed. Anyone know how?
There is million binding spells on this site but not single one to undo them...interesting. Sorry I can't help nore anyobody will. Ask your mom about it and find out what it is.
But my opinion is that you are both clean ;)!
I wonder why no one has any info on unbinding spells. O_o' Anyway, thanks for the advice but my mom is a tight sealed jar on the subject. In fact she hates anything to do with magick so its prolly a bad idea.
If you truly feel you have been magically bound, then here is what you can do...
On the night of the full moon, gather together sage, lavender, and rosemary. Mix together in morter and pestle to create and incense. Also, you will need salt, a candle, and water from a live source be it the sea or a river or spring. Snow is also one of the most pure forms of water next to that of a live source so you can use that if it snows in your area. Cast a circle and call Aradia to you. Tell her what you feel and what you feel. Make it personal. Ask her assistance in the unbinding of you and your sister. If you haven't already lit the incense then do so now. Take it and smudge yourself with it and say something about the element of air removing the bind. I would say .
''the swift wings of the air removes the bind that should not have be done.''
With the fire, be careful, but very quickly touch the flame and say
''the burning heat of the flame charrs, burns and removes the bind that should not have been done.''
purify the water with the salt if you have not done so already. Sprinkle yourself with it and say
The raging current of the water removes the bind that should not have been done!''
Take the salt and sprinkle yourself with it and say
''the incredible strength of the earth removes the bind that was not to be done!''
Stand in the Goddess position and say:
''may the great and mystical all mother remove the bind that was set upon my body, mind, and spirit. Gracious mother Goddess, you who have been with me from my frist breath, please set me free of the bonds that hold me!''
Close your eyes and let the mother do her work. YOu will feel the light as it descends upon your body. When you feel it has left you and the binding has been undone, say So Mote It Be!
Thank the mother Goddess and the elements. Return them all back to the earth. It is done.
Another alternative is to take a salt bath and visualize the binds breaking as the water and the salt erode them until they break and fall away, then when you let the water drain, imagine the binds draining away with the water.
I've used this method several times in a pinch, and it's a lot cheaper than going through with a very elaborate ritual.
Why don't you try designing your own unbinding ritual/spell?
It would make for good experience.
Keep in mind, you should be equipped to undo what you cast before you ever cast.
You could simply take a black candle(meant for curse absorption, if you don't have any, stick with white)and visualize the spell breaking. Keep at it until you feel it has been broken. Everyday candle magic lol:P