
Forums ► Covens ► Chat
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Post # 1
I just went into the chat section and I must say I was dismayed. >First of al the chat window doesent open properly. And if these people are serious why do do bicker and argue? I am very new and have been told by sources I need to study this field vigorously. From the forums and chat there has been little information. I don't want to go into this blindly. I have books and works but I am usually a sensible person going one step at the time
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Re: Chat
Post # 2
Really? I've only been on the chat twice but only for like 20 seconds then I left. The people bicker and argue because what they think and what another person thinks conflicts with theirs. So they try to argue their point. It seems to happen a lot here. People here can actually help you when they stop bickering amongst themselves. If you have any information that you want, why not make a post on the subject you want to know about?
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Re: Chat
Post # 3
So true. If this is to be a community of the arts you should think they would be less Terry Pratchett and more merlin
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Re: Chat
Post # 4

Chat can be seriously like a kids playground on most days BUT if you are a member of a coven, they have their own chatroom where teachings and meeting take place.

Most people use the Public Chat for a laugh, jokes or just to let off steam.

Join a coven then you get privacy in the covens' chatroom.

Blessed Be )O(

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