i just wanted to ask if anyone thought that my ability was something. i can: just get a whif of some kind of food and we would eat that food later without me knowing that we were, i will just start sining a random song that has not came on for ages and it will come on, i will just think of a part of a tv show and that excact tv show will come on with the excact same part i was thinking of earlier. i just wanted to know if that meant anything to anyone n wondering what is going on?
you appear to have developed a good amount of phychic power (for lack of a better term). some people are born with abilities such as that others have to develope them. to gain phychic abilities you can do many things, one of which is reading the tarot.
Sylvia Brown actually talks about this kind of thing (except the food). It's called manifestation, the act of turning your thoughts into reality. Scientists have actually proven (look up Lynne McTaggert) that humans can manipulate the universe (though the experiments are confined to probability) both consciously and unconsciously. The kind of events you describe happen to my family all the time, it's nothing unusual. If you focus properly (you don't necessarily need to concentrate) you can control what thoughts you manifest.
May I humbly state that;
There are several labels to what you describe as appearing before you as you think about it. Of course a label can be named "psychic power," "manifestation," a label I read about recently termed this "grand synchronicities." Synchronicity is the coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (as similar thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality ?used especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung.
Some people call it luck, being lucky at the right time, at the right place. Everybody gets this gift at one time or another. I think it's a gift from our "Maker." Some people think this is normal. I consider this special. Treat every synchronicity as a gift from "Divinity" just think or say "thank you" in your heart with sincerity. And, don't presume this gift will last forever. It won't, if you don't appreciate every coincidence and say thank you in your heart.
This is just my .02c comment from the peanut gallery section.
I hope this helps. Blessed Be.
thank you and i thought that it too was just a cowinkiedink. but it had happened many times i have done it already 2 or three times today and has felt strange ever since i finally made sense of it also i just thought it was funny when i read my horoscope for today itsaid i would finally find out what has been happening....but i still not sure if it is pysicic but i actually think so...it hhappens alot. ?
but i just wanted to say that i know i am differentfrom the restnof my family..i am the only one that has brown eyes and has intrest in magik. i am much different from them.......
This is what you call "confirmation bias." Look it up if you really want to know what's going on; but I warn you, it can be a hard thing to accept. If you manage to understand and accept the fact that we all tend toward confirmation bias, then congratulations: you are one of a very, very few people!