can I control all element

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can I control all element
Post # 1
I was wondering, I am the element of earth since I was born on January 8th but I was wondering if I can eventually controll all elements. I have already learned to control fire a little but Im not sure if that is because of telekenetic abilities or because I have just tried hard enough. please explain.
May the Gods bless you all.
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Re: can I control all element
Post # 2
yes you can i just don`t know how
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Re: can I control all element
Post # 3
It doesn't matter what element you were born under. Controlling any element or any other type of energy is possible, whether it's egregore in nature or not. What exactly is healing energies? What exactly is death essence? I don't know. They're too nebulus of terms to pin down anything specific. All that can be said is that one can be any type of energy or energy combo that has the end result of healing something. The same is true of energy or energy combos that make up the death essence energy of necromancy.

The same is true of the elements. The elements are not their material counterparts. They're spiritual, existing on all levels of reality. They, too, are like the terms 'healing energies' and 'death essence'. How you define an element is by what it does. Solidity, weight, hot, cold. These are things of what energy can do, not what the energy is.
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Re: can I control all element
Post # 4
The 'how' is like any other energy. Understand its qualities, meditate on it, mentally connect to it, feel the energy moving to the source and that the source is changed by said energy. Practice, practice and practice again.
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