Welcome to Deep Arts

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Welcome to Deep Arts
Post # 1

Hello and welcome to new and old members alike, I am sure many of you have seen many changes taking place in the past few days. I, myself Draggy and Rashnu are old members of this Coven and its previous Priest and Priestess. We have been informed and observed that things around here are lacking and have gone downhill in the past 6 months. Which is going to change real quick.

Rashnu and I are quite experienced with running physical covens as well as their online counterparts. Through years of trial and error we have found what works, and what simply does not. Because of that knowledge and experience you will encounter a lot of changes. Some sudden and some subtle. We are putting this Coven back together in its rightful order. We would be tickled pink if everyone were to be around to see it, but also understanding of those who wish to leave.

First of all this Coven has always retained a family like and close knit atmosphere; it will be returning. All are expected to be thoughtful of eachother and help one another as best to your abilities. Without eachother you may find yourself lacking, but together as a group there isn't anything none of you can't accomplish. Here we are all very interested in your practice/studies and being able to offer you the information or help to continue to grow in them.

Everyone is expected to be actively studying a path of their choosing while in this Coven. Active does not mean just logging into the site everyday. Active means posting your research or questions in the forums, or discussing it in Coven Chat. Helping out around the Coven, and with your peers. Also as a member of this Coven you are expected to remain respectful and helpful to the rest of the site. We do not want people who are nice in here and than complete jerks to the rest of the site; when you look bad, we all look bad. This may sound harsh, but we are just as happy with 3 members as we would be with 50, this Coven has always been about quality not numbers. When you are held to a higher standard, you will hold others to a higher standard. We are a serious group when it comes to our paths and beliefs.

This Coven will begin operating as a physical one would, everyone will be given a chance to speak their opinions and become apart of the change to be seen and felt around here. Council will start carrying the duties and responsibilites that it should. In the absence of Priest and Priestess they are in charge. Any direction from them should be taken as if it came from RashnuX or myself. Council positions are now earned, and anyone found not upholding their responsibilities as Council can be easily removed at any time.

Duties of Council:

  • To maintain all Forums
  • To maintain and keep current Spell books, Ritual/Article books
  • Remain Active in helping the members of this Coven
  • Attend scheduled Council meetings
  • Continue representing this Coven in a respectable manner
  • Actively post in forums and keep discussions going
  • Help in the selection and denial of new members
  • Handle Coven issues and address potential issues within the Coven
  • Anyone found exhibiting the charactristics and behavior of becoming a Council member may be asked to step up and take on the title. But the title is earned and maitained.

    As of now there will be no more inactivity rules, and probation periods. We ask that you do however sign the "LOA" Leave of Absence thread if you will be gone for any lengthy periods of time, as a courtesy to your peers. Any major breaking of the site rules, or over extended absences without notice will be the only boots.

    All way old Forum threads are being archived in our Ritual Book under Spellbook. They are marked either Ritual or Article, our Coven History has been updated and moved there as well. Any thread over a month old can be found there, unless its re-opened in forums. All work used to make your point in a post that is not your intellectual property or your original work MUST be cited at all times. Any uncited posts will be removed and you warned. Second time you will be removed from the Coven and a Moderator notified. We do not ondone stealing people's hard work in here.

    Sister Covens have been reassessed and are as follows; Council of Knowledge, Immortal's Keep, and Legion of Light & Dark. Anyone needing to tranfser among these Covens is fine at any time. Also you are expected to treat those members as if they were in here. If they need help, help them. Which brings me to the most asked question on this site; "Can I be in more than one Coven?" The answer is yes, on one condition..this Coven knows which Covens, the usernames, and if you can fulfill your obligations to all that you are a member to at the same time.

    Classes in this Coven will vary, dependent upon people desring the class, and having someone available to teach it. No class will be permanent in this Coven, teachers are free to teach at will, and by their discretion. Posts will be made by those teaching giving all the pertainent information as the class come available.

    You will see many thread popping up covering the various needs of this Coven, we ask you to be honest and helpful when replying to them. This Coven is haven and serves every path imaginable. If you have any problems with someone or material please send your concerns to a Council member, or Rashnu and myself. We have always been seen as a researching Coven and its not unheard of for members of other Covens mail one of us looking for in depth information, there is a thread for those requests. If you can not help the person please post it in the thread so that someone can.

    Other than the above, changes will be posted as they come up. And welcome to a new tomorrow, we all look forward to getting to know and understand all of you.

    ~Draggy & Nu

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