I have a question - perhaps someone out there can help me. I am very much interested in Voodoo and the like. Do they have a special method or things they use to tell fortune. Some people use Tarot cards and many other things.
If you know the tools used where could i purchase it or a book on it ?
The use of playing cards (not Tarot cards) is probably the most common method. The reading is done in private and almost always a candle is lit and libations are poured. Some do use tarot cards, not many however, but there is a New Orleans VooDoo tarot deck.
Many will also invoke the aid of Loa (Lwa) during the reading to speak to them about what is being presented by the cards. Invoking a possession by the Loa is also sometimes done. When a possession is invoked it is the Loa that will do the reading of the playing cards.
Cowrie Shells are also used. It is a method of reading the pattern of the shells when casted and gaining wisdom from them. Sixteen of these shells are used generally, but the number can sometimes vary depending on whats being done, such as when working with Papa Legba 21 shells would be used.
Water-gazing is another technique. Others cast bones. Dominos are sometimes used too. There is even a way to determine if you are the target of malevolent magic by using an egg. So there are a number of things that can actually be used.
Spirits - Some will go into a trance after summoning a spirit that then tells them what they are trying to find out. Not recommended for beginners though. lol
Casting Bones - Watched a documentary once on voodoo that showed a priestess casting down bones that she read. This practice comes from their shamanistic roots. Some mix in things with the bones like shells, nuts and other natural items. (A method I always wanted to learn.)
I've also known a few to use common forms like tarot. There are special decks designed more toward voodoo symbolism too.
As for a book...I known I've seen one or two. Never actually bought one so I can't recommend any. Best place to learn and find good books though would be visiting a voodoo shop. If you can't go to a shop in real life, try some legit looking voodoo shops online. I know some of the ones in New Orleans have online shops. Maybe you could email the store and ask for some recommendations?
I know one I want to get some time is "Throwing the Bones" by Catherine Yronwode because it is one of the only books I've found so far on the topic.
Something to consider, that is inexpensive and easy to conceal, is cartomancy using ordinary playing cards, which you may already have in your home. Back in the day, lots of people didn't have access to fancy tarot cards, and used whatever they could get their hands on.
There are quite a few ways to do this, but the best I've found is in 'Black and White Magic' by Marie Laveau, though it was actually not written by her at all. It should be freely available online if you do a google search, and it useful as a general hoodoo guidebook in its own right as well.
A very common divination practice in hoodoo is bibliomancy, using a bible.
Generally this is practiced by opening a bible three times with your eyes closed while focusing intently on your question, or speaking it aloud, and on the third opening running your finger down the page until you feel it appropriate to open your eyes.
The nature and content of the verse indicates your answer.