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Post # 1
what in you life has led you to believe Karma and or the three fold law is real??

when you look at big businesses who get passed from father/mother to daughter/son and who exploit us...doesnt that make you doubt karma?

or do you believe it affects your next life?

also do you believe karma is a mindless force of nature? or an intelligient entity created with a purpose?

what are your thoughts on the subject?

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Re: Karma
Post # 2
I personally believe you will finish your karma in the afterlife and that is where the whole misinterpreted hell and heaven comes from (I don’t believe it in its now and whole form, I believe it with a little more adding and decreasing) so when you do good, you go to a “heaven” wherever that may be by your karma not by judgment and when you do bad you go or experience hellish “hell”. Karma is real and nobody is an exception although it may appear to our eyes.
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Re: Karma
Post # 3
It could be many things



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Re: Karma
Post # 4
i applaud that outlook, its very enlightening.

does anyone else have a different outlook?

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Re: Karma
Post # 5
Personally I believe there are many ways karma manifests in this life as well as in our afterlives. Those people who take advantage of others, or who are in big business- They usually have horrid personal lives, their partners may be adulterous or their friends traitorous etc...

Although they succeed in one area they usually fail in another and they are almost never truly happy. All the money in the world can't make you happy if you live like that.

I also believe it does manifest in your afterlife in different ways but I have to go to dinner right now so I'll finish typing later.
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Re: Karma
Post # 6
I think that karma comes to you in your current life so like if you do something bad now it will effect you almost right away. Thats just my view on the whole thing from what I've seen.
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Re: Karma
By: / Novice
Post # 7
I've been casting for five years, not all of it with pure intentions... and I believe people have turned karma into something it's not.

It's become some way of saying "The Big Mommy/Daddy in the sky will be so angry and slap you for doing that!" when (I've experienced) that's not how it works. We're not children to be herded by deities and fates so. I see karma/3x Law as more expressing someone's need to pronounce judgment on the actions of others to make themselves feel superior. Sorry, but that's what it comes off as.

So, what I watch out for instead is immediate consequence.
If you do a love spell, you're changing the very person you want to love you-- are you sure you want to change something about that person if you like them so much the way they are?
If you do a money spell, changing your boss' mind to get a promotion, then you have to take on more responsibility and you'll be working under someone whose judgment has been addled by a spell. Can you handle that?

I saw the threefold law being thrown at someone who wanted to AP to spy on people in the shower. How would that work? Three different girls come in to spy on him out-of-body? He'll probably like that, and pose for them! But what about the girls, would they get hit threefold? What's the point of the threefold law in the first place, then-- to make the world thrice as horrible than it would be every time someone does any thing bad, once?

No, I think the Threefold Law happens when you deal with the Fates. Almost every culture has this concept, of weavers of fate-- usually women, sometimes sisters. And they come in threes.
Pagan magic deals with old gods, each of which have their price. I suppose for the Triple Goddess, it's suffering thrice what you put out... since a lot of Wicca is matriarchal, it could be where that comes from.

And karma... I remember bits and pieces my past lives, and they make a lot of sense in the context of this life. Sure, we always have free will to use however we want (that's what free will is,) but like I said there's consequences... the earthly consequences, and that the things you do tend to mark your spirit for likely conditions next life.

In a past life, I was a street child-- and kind of had to steal from and beat up passers-by to live. During these regressions, I recognized my victims of that life... as past classmates in this life.

Predictably, school wasn't fun, and at least now I know why: a part of each of them remembers what I did. Did I deserve thrice as many people bullying me in school? Or should I have had thrice the brutality of beatings and thefts? No... at the least, it broke even-- eye for eye. At most -- they were supposed to forgive me. Those who didn't, have a mark on their spirit now-- oh, well, that's the way the wheel turns. Some I remember mugging back then, in this life had initial conflicts but we later became friends-- I think that's the best result, since the conflict from the past has been resolved, not only "Now you know how it feels" but "Let's make something of it" so next life we meet we'll help instead of hinder each other. That's better than the threefold law.
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Re: Karma
Post # 8
I believe my three gods each punish me once for one thing
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Re: Karma
Post # 9
what in you life has led you to believe Karma and or the three fold law is real?? Nothing, it is something I had in mind for a while before I started walking probably.

when you look at big businesses who get passed from father/mother to daughter/son and who exploit us...doesnt that make you doubt karma? Probably before the were born on this life, they did something in their past life to deserve such life...but what ever they do with this life they still pay it... Most of them are not happy and well they just get to pay... ^_^ but who knows...I do not know of their life, just of their acts...

or do you believe it affects your next life? ^_^ it affects all the time, the present, the future, and the after life...

also do you believe karma is a mindless force of nature? or an intelligient entity created with a purpose? It can be both combine, since we are self can be looked as gods of our own destiny.

what are your thoughts on the subject? Karma is cause and effect.. there is no cause without effect...even doing nothing is doing something....therefore Karma is just a name given for the unexpected courses that are life takes when we made a decision.. there is so many possibilities for one thing.
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Re: Karma
Post # 10
Alright so to continue from where I left off, I believe karma affects people in the afterlife or, more accurately, between each life. Obviously if you believe in past lives you believe in some form of reincarnation... the same soul going through multiple lives. Well, I believe that karma affects you in between incarnations. When you do something horrid, you will go through a period of 'limbo' before your next life designed to teach you the wrongs of that action.

That is what I believe, because I myself and some others I know have gone through experiences that would be most easily described as that.
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