my search

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my search
Post # 1
hello all, my name is andromynda, i'm in my 30's and have been a member of the wpc for meny years now. i came by this site by chance. so i thought i might as well jump right in. i spent a few years looking for halflings, so if their are any known here
or any info you would like to tell, that would be nice.
so now that said hello to all, hope i can be of some use here
and of course it is always a pleasure to learn new things.
for when you stop learning you are turly dead.
have a nice day.
merry meet and blessed be
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Re: my search
Post # 2
Welcome, hope you enjoy.
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Re: my search
Post # 3
good luck finding halflings, you wont find them unless they want you to
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Re: my search
Post # 4
Sure you can.....check the gaming manual. LOL
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Re: my search
Post # 5
well thanks for the welcome anyway.
hope to talk to some of in the furture.
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