Is it normal to get sick while projecting any form of work? I will find people and send them a message or a dream, and within that tine frame, I sometimes get very sick to the stomach and feel sick. I will have to stop. The thing about dreams is true, is that dreams are like in their owner time and space. The time I spent projecting to a person, will be longer in their dream than the time it takes to project. Does that make sense. It is like how that movie Inception is true, but oddly portrayed as simply a movie.
Ok Im going to steer well clear of the whole dream sciences portrayed in inception. What are typically thought of as dreams are actually the waking mind attempting to un-jumble the rather random thoughts of the sleeping one (technically generated through the lack of serotonin causing memories to become the primary perception rather than stimuli but thats something for a different discussion). As to why you might feel sick I really dont know, I do very little dream or thought projection so my experience is limited but when I have Ive never felt ill afterwards. Do you ground yourself whilst attempting it? The only reason I can think of is that youre either over exerting yourself or need to purge a couple of chakras and such. If this has happened on multiple occasions then it is certainly worth investigating.
People have a natural defense against others, a natural protection. There is always risks involved when invading personal manifestations (their subconscious) because of this. The subconscious is a link to the spirit/soul. And that is created by something far beyond us with it's own protection.
You normally do not have to enter their space to effect their dreams. All you need to form a connection and create the circumstances you want to come through.
Be sure to protect yourself before AP and if you do insist on actually venturing into other's personal manifestations, travel into it slowly. Start from the doorway/opening and actually walk through to where you want to be (an animal guide is very useful at the point to lead you to your destination). If you just jump in and you're unwelcome or the person doesn't trust you 100%, you'll get hit hard by that natural protection. A normal journey like that should take no less than 40min. But becareful, these are physical people's manifestations, therefore they are closer to us than astral or ethereal energy and can effect us more physically.
I know it is interesting and intriguing, right? Vundabar. Success. I learned things right off the bat, in a way that it is by experience like no other. I see symbolism in what happened to my friend, that I invaded in her dream. I can tell the story.
I wanted at first to take her on a boat trip and set up a romantic setting underneath the Moon, that we both adore. She is a very powerful and gifted witch. We both exchanged energies and learned from each other. Well, the dream was on a beach then it went to a boat, but in between those two settings, I got sick. I got very sick and hurled over. I am not used to projecting at that level and will, yet. It is like when how some people get severe nose bleeds trying to summon demons or spirits because they don't have the right stuff, in the way of either energy or enough incense or energy. Either it being some sort of unknown yet simple idea in some sort of spiritual mechanics and concepts, or that the magician summoning a spirit doesn't have enough life force, to begin with. I know life force is used, when casting, and energy is generated because occasionally I do get very tired after casting a strong well willed spell. Quote that, "Strong well will spell." That is, that I don't use any other form of energy work, except intent and will power, with chants and the gestures along with the chants. I could use blood of some sort, or make the vibes my own in a way that there is some sort of nose or dancing going on.
Well, back to the dream. She is a very powerful witch and didn't know it. She didn't even know she was some sort of pagan. I had to tell her, because right off the bat I saw it, in her. She was born with gifts that not very many people are born with. She is a Pisces. She can put a spell on someone, just by thinking it and putting it into their mind. She can make a person sick for a month just by thinking it, and some how releasing it. She turned my damn car alarm on, while I was talking to her, and she laughed at me. I thought it was awesome. She helps people on the streets; such as couples with their problems, but she does it at a distance. She senses things and accidents that are about to occur and channels and told me where to go, while driving to diverge such accidents, while on the road. Sound crazy, but it isn't because I see and experience the thing she does and correlate the things I can do with what she can do. I enjoy playing mind tricks on her and any other person or psychic. She is telepathic and can tell what a person is trying to do or what they are thinking. She always looks to the right side of people, when reading them.
The ironic part of the dream, is that when I left the projection, the boat and I also left too. Which means she ended up drowning in the water, and woke up drenched in sweat. It is ironic because witches used to be either hanged, put at the stake or plunged into the water to drown. Wow! I know right? There is very much this person has taught me and with the exchange of energies it made us more knowledgeable in ability and spiritually. I might have gotten sick because she was a powerful pagan. I can make whatever she is drinking taste different. She got mad at me the next day when I told her about what I sent, and I told her that I lost control of the projection because I got sick. It was nice but it then ended with a classical punishment. I got to admit that is funny, she being a pagan, drowns in her dream, then wakes up drenched in sweat. She hit me for it. I mean it was something, and I actually passed out for about an hour, after projecting. It used up my energy. Like any other work, it takes energy out of me, yet sometimes it doesn't. My idea on spells and projecting is that it doesn't fail, it comes from at least something little to the very thing one aims for.
Lesson learned, that I need to close the gates, so to speak and put the person back in his or her bed. Psi-vampires vampirizing another pagan's dream, although I didn't feed because I was trying to give something nice. Now, that is crossing the line. Shame on me; messing with another kin. Tisk-tisk.
Well, that spells it out, that I can feed even from another person that is not in the room. All I need to do is get relaxed and project to them, and draw it in. I have given people hugs through projection to take their sorrow and pain away, from a distance, and this one tribesman said thanks. I was like ok, no big deal. I just made sure I was holding something like a smokey quartz stone, so I wouldn't be too heavily affected by his emotions because I basically took it away, or something. IDK. But I know I can feed at night, while mediating through projection into a person's dream and draw in the energy, or just draw into the person and visualize that I am laying of the hands on them. Ummm, so are vampires real? Well, I guess not in the archetypal sense or classical sense, but in a more spiritual sense that of which "people" that look like a normal person.
I was with another gifted Wiccan, who was with me today. I was showing her some stuff. So I took her energy, and asked if she felt that, and she said, "Was that you?" I said, yes. So, by that experience she now knows psi-vampires are real. We are just different. I mean she read about them and knows but she never did ever come across one. So how does this correlate to projection sickness? Well, the person that I showed was the opposite end of the projection, and in a sense, became sick, but tired. I think it is about time psi-vampires just tell the world, like The Tyra Banks Show did. Uhuh. That's right. We're out there, and I speak for all when I say that. Us pagans are everywhere. Just the same as we are all here on this earth, or on Earth. I guess the lesson here is to be keep silent and not boast in any way or form because what good does that do? Not that I am boasting, but this is what I deal with and do everyday. The normal people that I come across everyday, don't know what is going, as an expression, they have no idea.
Ummm, to add to the actual dream about that girl drowing, "This is your captain speaking." Now she can say, "In All My Dreams I Drown." Well, that is very symbolic dream to begin with, considering the first part was on a beach because places where two bodies of something or where two crossings meet is usually symbolized as a "cross roads." Like it may symbolize the difference between the spiritual world and the physical. Then the boat, as we were sailing underneath the Moon's light, I was manning the boat, but it kind of has a dark demeanor to it, considering I could have been portrayed at the "toll-man." Then I was gone and the girl drowned, but drowned in what? Just check out In All My Dreams I Drown. It is symbolic for the Lake of Fire, and the captain being Lucifer. I actually looked into the mirror once to try and look at my aura. Well, hush now. Interesting and intriguing story. . . only in our dreams.
Ok first off your friend is not a gifted pagan. Paganism is a religion so you really can't be unaware of being one. She may have some natural talent with magic but I highly doubt it's as strong as you described, perhaps she has some latent psychic ability but remember it's also possible a lot of it was coincidence. Magic can occur through thought alone that's true but someone who has no real intent on performing a spell and has no experience is unlikely to get serious results from it or any other type of spell.
If you honestly believe the nausea is called by overexerting yourself then it strikes me as you really should try grounding yourself. With all spell work it's a good idea to make use of an external energy source as it allows you to basically replenish what you use or channel the energy.
Vampirism is another subject I don't want to get involved in. Whilst I believe it's possible to feed off the excess energy given off by someone or something I still don't believe you can feed directly off their energy but that's just my own educated guess and all I'm going to say on the matter.
The last paragraph I'm not so sure what you mean. If you mean that since the dream where she drowned she has recurring such nightmares then this isn't rare. As I said dreams work from memories, if her waking mind remembers drowning in her other dream then it's perfectly possible that sensation is just regularly borrowed from that one.
No, this was not a recurring dream for her. She described it the same as I described what I projected. Getting sick, I was told by a tribesman that is one side effect, if I am not used to it. As for vampirism, I am a cookie monster for all I care. Point being, call what you want to call it and say it as you want to say it. I am not offended one bit. I wouldn't actually mind if people didn't believe in psi-vampirism or psi-vampires. The more cows the merrier. Sweet dreams are made of these, surely. And it doesn't surprise me that SoM would have all these opinions because it seems to be for beginners or those who wish to lead and or teach others. It seems more like a well known open club to express oneself to the world and exchange ideas, although the level of knowledge and spiritual awareness vary greatly. . . Obviously. Well, we are heard and for the ones who know don't always say. So where does that leave me? Hmmm. I am lost, sick, cold and tired. And that last notion, all of which has two meanings. I have actually learned more and experienced more than being offline than being on and learning from a website. So, I guess that leaves me wanting to share what light I have to offer because it was a miraculous friend or a group of individuals that I found in the oddest places that jump started and help show the way to where I am now.
I think the lesson here is that I need to be a little more subtle and concise. It is like I notice that when one finds opinions in the finer details, rather than in the objectivity of the greater whole, the idea may be missed. What does that tell me? I should just ask rhetorical questions at the end of every post because that does something. It tells me something about the next person who posts. See I messed up again. I just gave an answer.
Other than that, it seems like anything metaphysical can physically hurt and take control of a person. Just how far is one willing to go, and in what way? Does that way to get to that way, the only way?
Ok I think I just misunderstood your last paragraph. I thought you were saying that since the projected dream she was regularly dreaming of drowning in others.
As for the vampirism thing I'm glad you're not offended as that wasn't my intention. I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm just not saying they do. There certainly used to be an awful lot of debates on here as to what they were exactly and I for one don't particularly want to see those arguments brought to life once again is all.
Back to the original point of getting sick though, i'm just trying to help you solve it. If you're satisfied that it's something that will resolve itself in time then excellent and it probably will. Practice makes perfect after all. As general advice though I wouldn't try to fuel magic entirely with personal energy, particularly when there's such a wealthy resource all around us. Although I grant you that you should never "take" energy from the Earth, only borrow it.