Im New...and i need help

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Im New...and i need help
Post # 1
Im new in Magick but i always knew that it existed. i have grown to be friends with a wiccan and he has done several readings for me, all saying that i have untapped potential for Magick. What should i start with, because he said i have a gift for third eye magick.
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Re: Im New...and i need h
Post # 2
well psychic? Why don't you try health/ healing and protection spells first. And do some potions to well they are a lot of helpful ways to learn Look for the covens read each description then choose what do you think will be the best for you to start with ok.

-be blessed-
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Re: Im New...and i need help
Post # 3
Ok thanks im thinking Coven of The Broom Closet because my family are very devout christians
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Re: Im New...and i need h
Post # 4
well join them if you want but be sure you think right ok. LOL
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Re: Im New...and i need help
Post # 5
Okay but can anybody explain this. My friend who is wiccan did this thing with his necklace. It was a pentacle inverted and he spun it over my right hand (the one i write with) once. Instead of slowing down it spun faster until it was almost horizontal. And then he did it over my left hand and it stopped almost immediately. What does that mean?
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