What's up with the MOON??

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What's up with the MOON??
Post # 1
Hey all, I know this may be a stupid question, but what is up with the moon? I was outside at around 1:30a.m. and it was kind of orange looking, but low in the sky instead up straight up.

Then, I went back outside at 2:00a.m. and the moon was as if was completely GONE! As if it was going down, at this time?
I never noticed that before, so does anyone care to share their opinion?

"Blessed Be",
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Re: What
Post # 2
Hey Kizzie!

the moon is usually orange because the sun is still reflecting light off of it =)
and the fact that it was gone..I am not really sure about. It wasn't by chance behind a REALLY big cloud?
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Re: What
Post # 3
it is the sunlight and it can also be the dust and durt in the atmosphere and o-zone levels
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Re: What
Post # 4
I remember learning about this in school, its an optical illusion, like a mirage if you will. around this time of year, the moon appears to be closer to the earth, something to do with the sun reflecting off of it, into the ozone? Anyways, If you are in an airplane at night, it looks just absolutely huge... as if you were going to run into it, or that its bigger than the earth itself.

Hope that helps...

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