Feeling Blocked

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Feeling Blocked
Post # 1
I had a real intense experience this last weekend in the forest, and since then I have felt blocked. Unable to concentrate, meditate, or even visualize anything. I know I got rid of a lot of negative energy while I was in the forest, but now I feel as though something is still "stuck" or blocking my flow. Any suggestions on how to get rid of this feeling? I can't for the life of me get grounded.
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Re: Feeling Blocked
Post # 2
you could try bathing in salt.
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Re: Feeling Blocked
Post # 3
try going back to that forest, and meditating, try and fix what went wrong there, or try getting rid of the last bit of that blockage, that might help.

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Re: Feeling Blocked
Post # 4
I've felt the same way before..but it passed for me.
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Re: Feeling Blocked
Post # 5
Thanks for the feedback everyone :)

I did some meditating and took a bath with some salt and hyssops which cleared it all up.

Love & Light
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Re: Feeling Blocked
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6
have u tryed doing an aura cleanse or maybe getting some 1 to unblock u
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