A few questions

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A few questions
Post # 1
1- I hear you can view past lives when you astral project, like time travel,
Is this true?

2- when you will yourself to go anywhere, do you instantly warp there, or does the world fade away and then come back? Or..

3-I hear that only some people can astral project, they have to be born with it. Is th true?

4- Do we have any control at all in the real world when we are in the astral world?

5- is the astral world in color?

I would be very happy if you answered this, as I am very new to AP.
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Re: A few questions
Post # 2
1. yes you can view past lives but it is not exactly like time travel it is more like watching a movie in your mind from a characters perspective.
for 2,and 5 all of that is based on how you perceive things if you think you can perceive the astral world in color then you will and you perceive willing your self some where it will be how you can best perceive it. Though the astral world has similarities between everyone that goes there each individual sees things a little differently.
3. anyone can astral project if they put the work in, which means you have to practice it is just easier for some people.
4. You don't really control the real world wile projecting, you influence. By that I mean you can change the probability of something happening, but can't force it to happen same applies to spells
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