Hi I'm Shondra

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Hi I'm Shondra
Post # 1
I'm relatively new at this yet i'm not at the same time. I see things and i've had people talk through me to my best friend. I'm also a strong empath and very connected to nature, espically fire, water and wind. I was wondering if i could seek help controling this power and strengths i have and expanding on what i know. I found i can cast a simple protection spell and i've noticed an aura like bubble around me and those i will it to protect. Idk what it mean. Please help.
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Re: Hi I
Post # 2
greetings and nice to meet you
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Re: Hi I
Post # 3
Thank you. Do you think you could be of any help with my situation?
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Re: Hi I
Post # 4
depends on the situation
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Re: Hi I
Post # 5
but i'll be glad to help in any way i can
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