*Soft,shy smile...*

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*Soft,shy smile...*
Post # 1

..Hello,everyone..I'm new here..and to Magic,too!..

*Soft,shy smile...*
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Re: *Soft,shy smile...*
Post # 2
hello and merry met
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Re: *Soft,shy smile...*
Post # 3
*Shy smile...*

..Hello,fargoth96!..Thankyou for your kindness!..
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Re: *Soft,shy smile...*
Post # 4
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Re: *Soft,shy smile...*
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Hi how are you?

What magick are you interested in or what you would like to specialise in?
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Re: *Soft,shy smile...*
Post # 6

..Well...I'm not quite sure,actually...I'm curious about alot of things..I guess that's a Good Thing...right?..

*shy smile...*
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