auric sense and powers

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auric sense and powers
Post # 1
I'm looking forward to empower my auric senses and all what are the possibilities of training for aura?
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Re: auric sense and powers
Post # 2

Chakras and meditation is the best

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Re: auric sense and powers
Post # 3
The aura is just the beginning of what there is. According to Franz Bardon the aura is a resonation of the astral matrix, which i believe are the chakras as he describes the astral matrix as connecting the spirit and body. You can manipulate your aura with practice but you should also get into manipulating more vital forces. Meditate with the chakras. You should start by just practicing feeling your own energy. To develop the psychic senses you should meditate particularly on the third eye chakra. As for the possibilities, they are only as limited as your power and control. And control and power come with practice. Beimg fit is important in energy practice. Your body will become a vessel for powerful forces. So you should exercise daily and eat right.
a good physical regimen I practice is 100 sit ups, 30 pushups, 30 squats, and curls. Certain foods are good for developing ones energy, such as honey, ginseng, garlic and bee pollen. Yoga helps develop ones own abilities. You should practice hatha yoga and raja yoga in particular. I would suggest meditating for at least 30 minutes a day. If you have trouble with that than try building up to that. Start with ten minutes a day then move up to 15, 20 and so on.
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