Super Moon

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Super Moon
Post # 1

As many of u know, the super moon is June 23rd! I'm just curious if anybody has special plans to celebrate or taking advantage of the specialnight.I'm still debating on what I'm doing exactly...all I know isI want to do something. It'll come to me in time I'm sure.

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Re: Super Moon
Post # 2
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Re: Super Moon
Post # 3

ummmm ok?

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Re: Super Moon
Post # 4

Lol... after reading your profile, I'm sure you're excited about it. :) I'm excited too, thats why I'm bringing it up to see how others might be celebrating. You don't have to go into tons of detail I'm just interested and curious.

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Re: Super Moon
Post # 5
I'll probably lose track of time and do it on the 24th. Besides that, I'll probably do a lunar meditation, maybe light a candle or two.
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Re: Super Moon
Post # 6
full moon gives, rapid running positive energy. The full moon projects the highest concentrated vibration of any phase.

Most of us, we might favorite the full moon phase especially the girls because, moon power climaxes and create an uplifting atmosphere. Its energy is very multipurpose.

Its perfect for:

Good for rituals of future aspiration, dream work, friendship ritual/spell, and all things Goddess.!
Goddess Luna.
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Re: Super Moon
Post # 7

Yeah, too bad it is on a Sunday. My boyfriend works 3rd shift, so he will have to do his magick around his work schedule. I was thinking abouttrying somethingto do withprosperity, luckor money, as we are going through a hard time right now. I'm also celebrating the Summer Solstice! It going to be a fun month.

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Re: Super Moon
Post # 8
so sorry if its already posted above but what exactly is the super moon I understand magic must be more powerful but what makes it a super moon
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Re: Super Moon
Post # 9

The supermoon is the point where the moon is at the closest point to Earth in orbit. It will appear larger because of short distance. There are an average of 4-6 every year and can be full or new moons. From what I understand there will not be any super new moons this year, but there wasa super full moonlast month, and will be one this month and also next month. However the full moon this month will be the closest of the whole year which makes it a "super" super moon! This is very exciting for a lot of people and I believe there will be a lot of casting going on that night. Also just so people know. The full moon is technically on the 23rd, however, it will be just as big and full on the 22nd. I found a website designed by the man who "coined" the term 30 yrs ago. For more information you can go to He is a certified professional astrologer by the name of Richard Nolle. :)

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Re: Super Moon
Post # 10
Sorry for not answer your question. So I will be preforming my normal ritual recognizing the full moon,which consists of a meditation, envisioning, and prayer. Also I will be using more moon magick than I normally would on a full moon.
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