brand new to magick

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brand new to magick
Post # 1
I just started and I was wondering wat spells I should start out with?
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Re: brand new to magick
Post # 2
The very first thing you shd do is learn to shield. And start with protection spells. They are easy, in my opinion, and most needed when you first start learning magick.(yes, I always spell magick with a "K", I like the way it looks, lol.)
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Re: brand new to magick
Post # 3
Nope its information and research first, then its concentration, then its energy flows, then its sheilding, and all the way through medititaion.
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Re: brand new to magick
Post # 4
No....The Crone is right! Protection MUST come first. The other things are good to work on but without protection one finds themselves very open and very vulnerable. Protection spells can be very easy and very simple and also very important!
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Re: brand new to magick
Post # 5
i agree. you should try to start with a protection spell... then move on to brr's sugguestions- it cant hurt to try to protect yourself first, but you should probabally refresh your protection spell when you gain experience
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Re: brand new to magick
Post # 6
I think like brrr said start with researchhhhh! and then move on to protection.
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Re: brand new to magick
Post # 7
Research is a given, lol. How else will you learn how to do it.
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Re: brand new to magick
Post # 8
a Job spell I really need a job
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