astral planes studies

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astral planes studies
Post # 1
if anyone would like to learn about the astral planes i am conducting my own studies and writing them in the AP section they are titled "my studies" i am researching the different planes and writing them in the forums for the public since nobody has done so thus far..

thank you and be well
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Re: astral planes studies
Post # 2
Would be interesting to here peoples opinions on the earth plane(physical plane) my opinion may very much differ from others..I do believe the earth plane could be referred to as the shadow realm(plane)thus we are over shadowed by the many higher planes and we are merely but shadows here on earth of our true selves and existence...thus the physical plane being mere illusion.
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Re: astral planes studies
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
The astral planes offers both structure and chaos. It is the place between, and yet a description for all realms that it connects.

You can pretty much create or visualize anything there, giving it substance and form, through subconscious thought or conscious.

More often than not, an individuals desires to encounter something or fear of doing so manifests and provides them with exactly what they are looking for.

This makes it somewhat difficult to differentiate from independent entities and more ephemeral thought forms and the like, for some.

That's my two cents on it anyway. The description can go on and on.
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Re: astral planes studies
Post # 4

I wouldn't call this realm the Shadow plane because of being covered by higher planes. There are lower or inner planes as well.

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Re: astral planes studies
Post # 5
In regard to the physical realm being an illusion: It is theorized that our physical bodies are simply a means to directly interact with the physical. And shadow realm makes sense since its the only one in which all things may cast a shadow..unlike the astral..please correct me if I'm wrong. :D
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Re: astral planes studies
Post # 6
Would u know how to get there? To the astral planes
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