
Forums ► General Info ► Newbies
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By: / Novice
Post # 1

Hello to everyone that reads this..This is basically for new people who come to the site and have no idea what to do next. Well in this brief thread I will tell you everything you need to know to get started and understand this site.

Okay when you first start you fill out your information on your profile, I assume you should do that first so we can actually know you a little more. When if you have no clue on the first steps of starting on "your" path, or do not know what path your going to be in, I suggest Newbie Central on the "Home" page. It will give you the basics on that. If you still have questions that need to be answered. I suggest going to the FAQS .

After you understand a little bit about the different types of paths, and stuff like that. I suggest reading the "Survival Guide" locate on this link;

Hint for Newbies that come here looking to become;

  • Mermaids
  • Werewolves
  • Fairies
  • Dragons
  • Vampires

and stuff like that . You can't, you can't change your DNA. It's physically impossible, only in the astral plane can you change into your animal form.

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