Invisibility help

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Invisibility help
Post # 1
Hey guys, I'm BadRobot, and i really want to learn at least 1 invisibility spell, but none of them ever work for me. I've tried before signing up, and I've just signed up today. Does anyone have any experience with invisibility spells?? I would really appreciate it.
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Re: Invisibility help
Post # 2

This is because you physically can not become fully invisible.

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Re: Invisibility help
Post # 3
I believed that these spells would at least make me unnoticeable. My friend has told me of true existences of invisibility cloaks, but needs a very rare material straight from hell to be made.I have tried many disillusion spells, chameleon spells, and notice-me-not charms. All have failed.
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Re: Invisibility help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Your friend is either and idiot, delusional, or playing magical make believe. There are no invisibility cloaks outside of the writings of JK Rowlings.
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Re: Invisibility help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
In regards to your lack of successful casting....the success of a spell depends mostly on the skill and experience of the caster as well as the validity of the spell. Select your spells using common sense, maturity, and intelligence.
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Re: Invisibility help
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6

The closest you're going to get to invisibility is by using glamor to make your energy less noticeable, deterring attention elsewhere, etc. Instead of trying to cast spells over and over, you'll want to understand how they work. This is different for everyone, but there are some guidelines that are common to many people who cast successfully.

  1. Understand that no spell works %100 all the time.
  2. Spells that practitioners work with is subtle energy, which means it isn't physical. This means that spells do not override physics.
  3. Spells create a path for something to happen. This means that there will be physical and scientific explanations for something working.
  4. You need to meet spell work with mundane work. Very, very rarely does a spell just hand you what you want on a silver platter.
  5. Realize that not all spells involve conscious energy work. These can include offerings, petitions, sympathetic Magick, and plenty more things.

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Re: Invisibility help
Post # 7
When you cast any kind of spell yougot to have a positive attude and leave all negetive energy behind. If you have any negetive vibe the universe will sence it and no spell work at a rapided pace.You have to be very positive.
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Re: Invisibility help
Post # 8

This spell even if he waited for 30 years will not work. Inivisiblity is as possible as isn't.

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