I'm not necessarily new to magic but I am still it's the ameteur level. I know magic works completely different than how it's showed in the media but are there things that are similar ? Like what if I need to use a defense spell or chant right on the spot? Would it work ? And also, I think I read somewhere that the more experience a witch has, the less he/she has to use spells for simple things. Would that be true?
You can use magick to defend yourself but not like you are in a movie like you said. You can use protection magick even black magick if you feel someone has it out for you. But magick is not like blasting energy from your hand or wand magick does not work like that.
Magick is very difficult to explain. Very few have any real explanation of what magick is, how it works or what it really means. This is partly because is a very difficult concept to realize and partly because we rarely give thought to why or how. Magick is a very important part of the craft...it's there, whatever it is and it works.
Magick is a highly personal thing and only you can find the true meaning. Magick is a part of us, it is within us, we are magickal beings whether we are aware of it or not.
So yes you can't do magick on the spot
Blessed be :) )o(
Re: Witchcraft in real life By: Nekoshema / Novice
Post # 5 Sep 10, 2013
well if you start to feel uneasy and want to say a protection chant, shield, or something similar you can. like you said though, this isn't like in movies, so you won't encounter someone with a staff who blasts a fireball at you and you can defend with lightning or something. if you need to cast a spell, you need to charge energy and focus, with experience it'll become easier, but when you start out, you'll probably have to sit and meditate before trying to say a protection chant or something.
yes and no to more experience equals less casting. everyone's life is different. at first i guess many people find casting spells cool so they cast for every little thing, but i think if people cast less with experience is because they're wiser, and know calling upon deities to help find a lost earring is a waste of time and energy, plus it could make the being you called upon angry with you. i've always followed a simple rule with casting, i wait a week before i cast a spell, unless it's an emergency like a protection spell or a friend asked for me to cast for them.
You can do spells to protect yourself from harm, magic etc... but more than likely it will not work on the spot, especially if your still a amateur. Like if someone sends an elemental ball against you (eg. fire, water etc.) you can't cast a spell to stop it (I don't think).
Also with being an amateur, you still need to focus and centre your energy before casting a spell, its the best way for it to be effective.
Magic works in peculiar complecated ways that is very often hard to understand completely. However people confuse magic with power. Magic is a lifestyle. People like us live in different routines that to many seem strange. That is simply because there are different beliefs and ammounts of knowledge. It's not that we neceserly differ from other people. I don't know if your spell can work right away but there are ways to prevent such a situation.