Charming Objects

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Charming Objects
Post # 1
I'm looking to charm an object manually, but browsing the 'Spells'; I can't seem to find the real ones from the fakes, and I don't want to go out and buy candles to find it doesn't work, I'd love for some suggestions and perhaps links/spells that you have tried out, and have worked!
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Re: Charming Objects
Post # 2
What kind of charm? Depending on the type of charm it can be fairly simply to make one.
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Re: Charming Objects
Post # 3
Charming an object can range from very simple to extremely ornate and ritualistic. Depending on the size of the object also plays a part in the process, however the basic process of charming an object is to empower it with your personal power and energy. What the charmed object does is of course up to you, i.e. protection, healing, breaking a bad habit etc. Now meditating and focusing your intent into the object is your main goal to making a charmed object, can add to this with a simple candle spell, passing object they the flames. Smudging the object with sage or incense. Also you can leave object summarised in salt water, bowl of salt, herbs that align to the vibration of your intent/spell work , under a full moon or the sun during its peak hours. Now adding a mix of all our some of the above with of course casting a circle before, ( always before any magical working ) is what will make it more ornate. Adding more to it like evoking the goddess to assist , adds more ritual to your spell work.
Hope this helps
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Re: Charming Objects
Post # 4
I'm wondering...charm an object...I can only assume you mean charge it with a specific force in order to give it magical properties...
There are several ways to do that, first and foremost, the object must be purified and consecrated, before doing any sort of invocation.

Then it should, be proper invocations, symbols, etc being given the specific charge, naming the force and the purpose why that object is being charged.

The best objects are those made of one of the seven planetary metals, semi precious or precious stones, paper, parchment, cotton, silk...basically all kinds of natural objects...manufactured stuff like plastic don't hold the carge very well...maybe it has something to do with the complexity of the might be an interesting field of investigation....

I will recomend you a good book, while it's a book on talismanic magic, the same principles can be applied to many objects like candles, stones, etc

"How to make and use talismans" by Israel Regardie

I think you can find it only, it's quite small and easy to read, and it's extremely useful for the average person, as well to the trained magician
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Re: Charming Objects
Post # 5
Make sure to not "charm" this object of yours with power that you wish to manifest inside of it to call upon in future rituals, because al that will do is (if you lose it) leave you in a "I havent been able to pratice the craft since I lost my pentacle" situation.
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Re: Charming Objects
Post # 6
^your going to have to get something to replace it then charm it and build power in it again, within a fue weeks your energy will returen but how ever long you had for it will take about that time to restore you full strength

P.S you can get way with only putting a shard of power without negative side effects if you loose it
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