I'm not much of a conjure as I haven't found the wright thing so summon, until yesterday when I read up on the jinn (djinn) I found a ritual to summon one but here is where I get worried because I some people say there good and really friendly but others say there pure evil and can't be trusted is it safe to summon one with so little experience
What I said to a similar post:
A djinn is a evil and dangerous spirit. Trying to summon anything such as that is bound to turn out terribly. Summoning a spirit without knowing what you're doing is asking for trouble. A djinn is not going to let you control it and is even said to possess humans. They're not something to be toyed with or kept as a pet.
You never want to conjure something you don't fully understand or know about. It's very dangerous in all aspects. It's best to start with simple spirits and even that can be dangerous. Protection is key when dealing with anything "out of this world". Read up on protection circles and how to create/cast them before conjuring up anything.
Any spirit can be dangerous, or upset, if you summon it. Some methods are Specifically more harsh on the spirit then others.
Some spirits are good, some are evil, and some don't care for our simplistic methods of moral classification. Anything can me dangerous. Treat everything with respect, and care, and caution.
That way, and after studying on how to do things correctly, you'll minimise chances of being on the receiving end of an angry spirit.
See that why I'm asking because I don't know this stuff, I want to summon something to give me some advice but im not summoning anything evil and I don't like angles as I don't fully trust any entity of pure light but I want to be working with something friendly and I can trust and wont try and possess me?
you've answered yourself. youre not familiar with the rituals or what may come of them.
research, and learn some more and then spend more time learning and practicing before messing with something youre not familiar with.
im curious why you don't feel comfortable working with angels? they are quite easy to invoke and are pretty safe. Ive worked with Sandalphon to good success and it was a very positive experience. He is an easy angel to work with.
never summon something you do not fully understand. All spirits have potential to be good or bad, that's just in my experience anyways. The Djinn can be good or bad based on you, how you treat it, your vibration when you summoned it and some other factors, but summoning a djinn is like summoning a tulpa or thoughtform, their nature depends on your energy, your thougths, your 'programming', the experiences it has and what it may encounter during its lifetime. No matter how pure you create a tulpa or summon a djinn, they are so alike, you cannot blindfold them to the cynicsm forever. They will experience pain, see and feel negative emotions. They will pick up negative energy, it all depends on how well you and the djinn handle it, if you are able to help the djinn pull through, the djinn has the potential to remain benevolent for life, not pure, but willing to do what is good, like us humans.
It's because there is a lot of corrupted and negative energy in my blood and I'm nerves that if I try and summon an angle I'll attract a dark angle, for those who don't know there an evil breed of angle not a fallen angle/demon