Help plz!!!

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Help plz!!!
Post # 1
I can do one spell the only one i can do is make it stop raining or start it. Why is this i really want to run fast.
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Re: Help plz!!!
Post # 2
I figgured out my element is earth
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Re: Help plz!!!
Post # 3
Can u actuly fly cuz i tried and i got poo plz let me know u can call me noob since i am one.
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Re: Help plz!!!
Post # 4
Well you can fly but it's not something that is easily done and comes later on in your path if you are going to be able to.
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Re: Help plz!!!
Post # 5
hmmm i see well then are u able to. Cuz its really cool but i think it might take me more then a couple years to master right. Or u have to be able to channel energy.
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Re: Help plz!!!
Post # 6
No. It is not possible to fly, from what I know. If there is a magical method of unassisted flight I'm not yet aware of, I'm sure that a young person such as, I assume, you would not be able to master the method. There are many things magic can do, but taking a dump on the laws of physics is not one of them. The only people I've seen who are able to pull off levitation are either stage performers or gurus who have dedicated their lives to intense meditation and study.
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Re: Help plz!!!
Post # 7
i see cuz i can be able to read peoples mines not to hard. Now i am trying to just be able to channel my energy. but is this easy meathod.
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Re: Help plz!!!
Post # 8
Etheldreda i have to disagree with your view on being unable to fly if magick is able to do a lot of things yet unable to break the laws of physics how come there are magi witches wizards etc that are able to create flames out of nothing and move objects with just thier mind. if this is not breaking the laws of physics what is.
beginner the best thing for you to do is to keep practising weather spells they are easy to do and they build you up to do more magick. think of magick as learning to do something the frst time you have to slowly work at it until you are fluent in it the same goes for magick slowly buold yourself up
blessed be
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