Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic: A Materia Magica of African-American Conjure
The Art of Hoodoo Candle Magic in Rootwork, Conjure, and Spiritual Church Services
Throwing the Bones: How to Foretell the Future with Bones, Shells, and Nuts
Just to note the last book I mentioned may also fall under lines of a form of Divination but everyone interpret things differently.
Also to add to the list of books:
Understanding Haitian Voodoo, By Emmanuel Felix
(Also if your one that's into Voodoo Dolls))Voodoo Dolls In Magick And Ritual by Denise Alvarado
Voodoo and Hoodoo: The Craft as Revealed by Traditional Practitioners by James Haskins
Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones: Hoodoo, Mojo & Conjuring with Herbs by Stephanie Rose Bird
Hoodoo Mysteries: Folk Magic, Mysticism & Rituals by Ray T. Malbrough