How about having a "like" and "dislike" feature against every post and their replies in the forums, similar to what facebook has.
On several occasions members come across posts and replies that they like and dislike and may want to communicate how they feel without having to comment.
I'm sure a lot of us are tired about commenting on silly things like vampire transformation. The number of dislikes will act as a deterrent to posts like this without coming across as rude when you comment on them.
The number of likes a person accumulates on his sensible post or comment will act as a motivator not just for him but for readers to.
Re: Suggestion for Petrarca By: NimirRaj / Beginner
Post # 5 Apr 30, 2014
There are various conflicting views on this site and I feel a dislike button would be heavily abused. Likes currently are apparent when people bother to comment, sometimes productively, on a post as that sure indicates that at least took note of what was said.
Re: Suggestion for Petrarca By: magiwoman03 / Novice
Post # 6 May 01, 2014
Nimir, I get your point. But on several occasions I've come across a post written by someone else that says exactly what I want to say. And being from the social networking generation, we would just like to hit the Like button.
Your point about the dislike button being abused is very valid. So I'm just wondering if there was a way to make the person explain why he dislikes a written piece. If not his dislike will be considered null and void.
I'm just thinking out loud. Feel free to tell me to shut up :)
Or maybe simply reject the idea of a "dislike" button and go for a "like" button solely. Then again, it'd probably just go the same route as Facebook, with the majority of idiotic "likes" and a small minority of real "likes".
I don't "like" something on Facebook unless it's really something. Not everyone is so discerning, and I have experiences which make me sure that several of the lesser known paths would be disliked, as well as much of what the members of this site disagree with or do not understand. For instance, I was once attacked for discussing assuming a godform in a Kemetic context, which I had to compare to the Wiccan drawing down of the moon in order to be understood as not a fluff. Which is a ridiculous circumstance.
I do believe if they put a dislike button it might be took the wrong way.
Instead we should be able to rate everything someone wrote including fourms.
Wouldn't it be great if you could only rate something once and the post would say
how many people rated it. If this was added it would help people understand the value and opinions of others on a particular thing. Right now people can rate spells over and over again causing a not-so-good spell to become a top spell.
Let's say someone, a fake magick practicer, wanted to do people harm. They
might put a harmful spell or dangerous ingredient on a post. Then they can
rate it over and over again five stars. So a beginner came across that post,
they had harm done to them
( that really didn't happen but it could)
If we only had the option to rate a post once or none we are decreasing the
Chance of a not well written post to having a lot of people testing it.
Blessed be