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Post # 1
I'm not new, just back after a long leave. The coven I was in before was dissected and fell apart, of which I was a council member. The name escapes me at the moment but I'm back to try to help people again.

I'd consider myself to be advanced in theory and practice of all things Spirituality, and I've had lot of practice honing my investigative and psychological skills to best understand the supernatural.

If anyone would like to talk or know more about anything, or have any good recommendations for a good coven, please let me know.
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Re: Return
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

Finding a good coven would consist of talking to the members of the covens that interest you. Generally activity in any coven ebbs and flows like a tide, though there are some that are more active than others. In addition to looking into material, you may want to get an idea for how the coven communicates as it may not always be in the SoM chatter or forum.

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Re: Return
Post # 3
That's pretty much how I remember it. I'm still trying to figure out which one I was in before to possibly return to, or I may apply to a new one. I'd classify myself as a general practitioner, delving into both sides of the spectrum.
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