Weight gain spells?

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Weight gain spells?
Post # 1
Hey, Are there any REAL weight gain spells that I can do?
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Re: Weight gain spells?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
You don't need a spell for this. A weight spell wouldn't cause you to gain weight, or lose it for that matter. This is something that must be actively worked on. And properly for health reasons.
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Re: Weight gain spells?
Post # 3
Magic cannot help you with this. Just eat healthy and consume a bit more calories than you usually do. However don't go out eating a bag of chips, burger and fries everyday. That is unhealthy fat and you don't want that. Eat healthy fats such as avocados, peanut butter and nuts. Here is a link that should give you a list of all healthy fats and the unhealthy fats and some other things you should know in the process of gaining and losing weight:


If not then go speak to your doctor or do a research on your own as to what is good and bad for you.
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