Love Spell Needed

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Love Spell Needed
Post # 1
I need a powerful love spell so that the man that I have loved since I was 15 will not get away again. Help.
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Re: Love Spell Needed
Post # 2
Google Love spells and you will find plenty.
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Re: Love Spell Needed
Post # 3
A simple candle spell that is not karma free. I always say don't interfere with another's free will or your love spell will backfire.

Well if you don't care, in the interests of 'freedom of information' here is a karma loaded spell to make a certain person fall in love with you.

First you need to scoop some soil from the footprint of your desired one .

Sprinkle this around the base of a red candle anointed with your spit and some ptchouli oil.

Light the candle and focus on your desired one being with you. See you in each others arms and beds.

When the vision is strong intone as many times as you like: "Come to me my will is great your new fate you can't escape "

Do this every night until the next full moon. S/He will be yours - but it probably won't be what you expect!

By Fiona Horne
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Re: Love Spell Needed
Post # 4
umm yeah Yolander i know that you probly love this guy a whole lot but you makeing him fall in love with you is pretty much concidered rape but if you abosutly dont care go for it i'm just saying this to let you know not telling you what to do just kind of telling you what you want to do
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Re: Love Spell Needed
Post # 5
rape? lol
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Re: Love Spell Needed
Post # 6
yeah rape like look at rape makeing some1 have sex with you without them haveing a say what does a love spell do make some1 love you without them really haveing a say samething idiot
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