Hi Everyone

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Hi Everyone
Post # 1
Hello! My name is Melissa and I live in Texas. I'm fairly new to the craft. I've been actively involved for about a year. I had studied a long time ago when I was a teenager (I'm almost 33 years young now), but I feel I wasn't 100% committed like I am now. I have a BOS, other ritual items, and I am beginning to really bring to life my altar just the way I want. I am also starting to really learn tarot and runes. I do tend to have visions and can easily read people, but never really used tarot until a while ago. I'm glad to have found this site and I look forward to really expanding my knowledge of the craft
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Re: Hi Everyone
Post # 2
Welcome hope this site helps. Just so you know I think you should join a coven. You have to be a council member to add spells. As I said welcome. Join a coven of your interest.
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