Discerning Attacks

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Discerning Attacks
Post # 1

I'm a practicing Pagan for a number of years. This being said, in the recent year I feel a reason to be concerned that I may be the object of a spiritual attack which another individual instigated. I do not want to sound paranoid, not actually, though I have found clues which were appertaining the potential that somebody was attacking the potential for future love, while it as well seems a different individual might have cast a love spell or I might be the target of a different individuals' affections.

If there might be anybody in the community whom can shed light on the topic, please reply.

Much oblige.
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Re: Discerning Attacks
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

I would think, with the length of time that you've been practicing, that you would have already dealt with the problem through appropriate wards and shields to protect yourself from this sort of attack. Have you done so and then found this approach was ineffective?

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Re: Discerning Attacks
Post # 3
Actually Lark, the attack was subtle. As well, I am with attempt to contextually discern the affection that appertains. It's nearly similar an intuition that a really complex spell is cast, which reflects the dynamics you might see in a computer program, with (if _; then _*; ) argumentation. I also was curious if the community had experience with this sort of advanced spellwork.
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Re: Discerning Attacks
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
What would be the motive for said complex spell work? Someone with the experience to get around another experienced practitioner doesn't simply put that much effort into such a magick endeavor for little reason.
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