Succubus/ incubus

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Succubus/ incubus
Post # 1
For everyone who insists on summoning a Succubus/Incubus, it's not going to happen, not if you call for them, sing to them, tell them how desperate you are for their touch or give yourself up to them.

Obviously anyone wanting to summon Succubus or Incubus has the same goal in mind, their own pleasure. Good that you know the risks of these creatures but that's not going to get you any results, as a matter of fact none of you have the option of summoning one out of a whim.

These creatures are known for the actions taken on humans, which is mentioned for the purpose of reproduction. They don't get intimate with humans for the fun it, You have to remember they aren't mammals, they don't experience pleasure the way we do, they do it on certain people to extract certain energy signatures that would provide strong offerings and at the peak of climax that certain someone releases this energy which is extracted by the Succubus or Incubus and used for reproduction, and the way they lure you is by appearing as someone desirable while you are vulnerable. They are like mosquitoes, choosing a target with exceptional nutrients in their blood for the nourishment of their eggs.

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