A silly question.

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A silly question.
Post # 1
Okay, so I'm new to this site, and I have a very silly question (but y'know, I gotta ask:))
I'm very interested in spells and magic and such (hence why I joined), but at the very bottom of the page it says "for entertainment purposes only".
So, does that mean that this site isn't "serious", and just sort of a fun thing, fake spells.. or is it for people who actually take interest in magic/spells?

Sorry if this is in the wrong section, btw.
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Re: A silly question.
Post # 2
This is a popular criticism against Petrarca. Kepp in mind the spells submitted are real, as long as you perform them properly and believe in their success, but the site was supposed to be for entertainment. It has evolved from such a point because of it's members interest in real magick.
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Re: A silly question.
Post # 3
The statement is called a "Legal Disclaimer" and Petrarca was very wise to have added it to the site. Not to have done so could have brought closure to this site as there are legal requirements that must be met for anything involving "Readings, Spells or objects of the paranormal." Petrarca was in the right and should not be criticised for having added it.

Teachings, spells and such on this site, are very real and should be treated as such. This is not a place to "come and play around," if you get my meaning.

In love and light~
Rev. Trinity
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Re: A silly question.
Post # 4
Okay, thank you both :)
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Re: A silly question.
Post # 5
I know in the United States it is required for all public paranormal/magick “services” (stores, forums, etc.) to state that it is for Entertainment purposes since it cannot be proven. It is something that is required to be put. You will find this disclaimed around many services promising/teaching paranormal/magick. This doesn’t actually mean, “It’s for entertainment purposes only”. I could find legal documents to prove this but just trust me. :D Welcome to the forum.
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Re: A silly question.
Post # 6
Peter lives in Alberta, which is a Canadian province.
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Re: A silly question.
Post # 7
However it is also true if you look at the merentha directory description that this was made as a companion to his online magic rpg.
Still, its a legal requirement too.. but take everything you read with a grain of salt- don't expect chanting some silly words to instantly make you zoom off the ground. It takes a great deal of personal work as well.
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Re: A silly question.
Post # 8
Not only that but it could also be that there are people who may come across this site and be radically against it. Then if they see "for entertainment purposes only", hopefully they back off and believe that this site is a fake and there is nothing to worry about.

Lol, but I believe that this site is genuine and that the spells are real. It takes willpower and focus to make things happen.

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