i need all the help i can

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i need all the help i can
Post # 1
Hey how is everyone so look here my story i been with this girl for almost 4 years and she just walked out the door on me and barley talk to me and gave me no anwsers on why we lived together and i know that over the last month i have pushed her so far away by harrasing the hell out of her that she even changed her number 4 times and still wont even talk to me all i do is want her back and to get my life back so what should i do i need a love spell very very strong one and someone to help me guide me thru it so i can have the girl i love so deeply back in my life like it was so good but over the last couple months we fought alot and this last month i let my jelosy and anger get the worst of me so how do i get a girl that i loved so deeply but pushed so far away back in my arm with or with out magic PLEASE HELP
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Re: i need all the help i can
Post # 2
theres a hole lot on here...and if she doesnt love u then get over it.
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Re: i need all the help i can
Post # 3
I agree with the post above me if she does not love you do not force her to love you again beacause she is under a spell. Do not do it as we all told montoya1 if you use a love spell it will turn out and you will only be more heart broken.

Take my advice for youre own good.

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Re: i need all the help i can
Post # 4
ya see i know she loved me and ya i know i drove her crazy because we lived together and it just ended because she need time so after 4 years i just wasent ready to accept that so i wonder if i chill out now and give it time if we could work out things you see magic is the last thing i could do even tho it free will im just not sure but i fell i pushed her far away n even tho she said she loved me the last time we talked i dont know how to get her back at this point because i pushed her so far
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