astral projection....

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astral projection....
Post # 1
Im actually quite comfortable w/ OBE's and astral projectory but my problem is that at one point I was able to stay on this very plain and travel places on it (just like a free ghost)
i was even able to manifest myself in anothers dreams but I lost my memory on exactly wut to do... somebody anybody tell me how do I master the 3rd technique of astral projection?
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Re: astral projection....
Post # 2
It's called remote viewing... You would be amazed with what you find with Google searches.
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Re: astral projection....
Post # 3
while projecting u can send ur soul to ur astral self making it physical its dangerous and deadly but tecnically ud b in 2 places at once
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Re: astral projection....
Post # 4
Exanu's got the point, yes that dangerous thing of practically being in to places at once but I was in someone elses dream as well, I saw some instructions to do that in this site but I can't find it. Hmmmm ^-^ it was funny I thaught that someone in black twilight had to be a very acomplished spellcaster or atleast familiar with the harder techniques of astral projection so I ended up meeting this one guy in balck twilight, I asked him about the wholle thing he ended up just telling me to meditate.... "bull!" I thaught but I just said thanks for the help. I'm glad somebody told me (finally)............................................................................................................ oh and Aven you made me feel bad about not having a job so tommorow I'm going in for an interview... thanks alot I was planning on going to japan for a little vacation with some friends but nope we gotta post pone I'm raising money the hard way and I gotta gt a JOB!!!
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