newbie in need

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newbie in need
Post # 1
So basically, I'm new to everything. I'm new to magic, I'm new to this site, I'm relatively new to life (I'm 15). I'm willing to try very hard to learn magic, because it's something I feel drawn to. Before I learned that there's a method, I tried doing magic on my own and, of course, failed. Even still, I knew that I could do it, I just needed to find people who could teach me, so I went online, and found this site. If anyone can help me get started, I would really appreciate it.

In case you want to know a little about me, I'm 15 (like I said) and VERY openminded (or try to be). I speak German, and I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to learn French and Chinese. I have a sister and two cats, Miro and Aspen (both females). And yes, I'm aware that I use parentheses way too much. I'm sorry if it bothers anybody. It bugs my sister, which might be the reason I do it.
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