Shrove Tuesday

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Shrove Tuesday
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 1
Best wishes to our Christian members on Shrove Tuesday, and for the beginning of Lent tomorrow.
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Re: Shrove Tuesday
Post # 2
I offer all my support also :)
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Re: Shrove Tuesday
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Happy Fuasnut Day! It is a tradition in my area to eat this treat today and I have never gone a year without eating one on Fat Tuesday. I will also give them up for at least 40 days as I do each year. Blessing to all who are ashed tomorrow and blessing to all who are not!

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Re: Shrove Tuesday
Post # 4
What is Strove Tuesday and Lent Tomorow??!!....May I ask?!.
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Re: Shrove Tuesday
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
Shrove,not Strove. Originally a Pagan festival, a feast day of celebration. Mardi Gras. In early Christian days, Shrove Tuesday was the day when the people were "shriven", that is, looking back on the year to see what "sins" may have been committed that have not yet been "confessed", a time of "confession". It was also a time, from Pagan years, to eat what was left of the year's food, to start again in Spring. To Christians, it was a feast day, as well as a confession day, for the last feast before Lent, which was (and still is!) a time of forty days of fasting. It is also a day when the palms of the previous Palm Sunday were burnt, and the congregations "anointed" with the ash on the next day, Ash Wednesday; the first day of Lent. In England, and some other countries, it is also known as Pancake Tuesday. Children love this day!
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Re: Shrove Tuesday
By: / Novice
Post # 6
This is actually the first year I've heard people call it 'Pancake Day' while I get why people call it that I find it laughable.

If memory serves it's not 'the last supper' but it's the day before Jesus goes into the desert so you eat carbs to prepare for the fast [or today you binge on chocolate before giving it up lol] many of my family members obtain from eating meat today, and stick to carbs. [they're also the type who eat fish on Fridays so I don't think it's widely observed]

Well my boyfriend and I are joining my mom at church for a pancake meal [would pass up a chance for all you can eat pancakes!] hope everyone has a good day and can give something up for the full 40 days [coming from a family who does, it's the first week that's the hardest. Also, tell people what you gave up, otherwise you might come home to find fresh baked cookies when you gave them up]
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