Irish Myth and The Veil

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Irish Myth and The Veil
Post # 1
Hey, i have been a practicing which for eight years, but there are some magickal answers that elude me. I have had this first memory/Vison that has haunted me. I have been studying it for years and ihas led me to old Irish myths, more specifically the Tuatha De Dannan. So i am humbly asking the help of anyone who has information of the Tuatha (I know the basics of them, i just want to go a little deeper) and poeple who have information of otherworldly realms such as Tir Na Nog? Sorry this is cryptic, i just don't want everyone knowing everything about this personal Vision

Blessed be )O(
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Re: Irish Myth and The Veil
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Fortune Telling.
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Re: Irish Myth and The Veil
By: / Novice
Post # 3
By "a little deeper" do you mean experiences with interacting with the Tuatha? I've an attachment to an entity that I like to think of as Manannan mac Lir. Feel free to send me a message.
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Re: Irish Myth and The Veil
Post # 4
Mannan Mac Lir is an Irish Sea deity isn't he? The one who shrouds the Isle of man in mist?
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Re: Irish Myth and The Veil
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

If you want to read the original stories about the Tuatha de Dannan I would suggest checking out the Irish myth cycle at

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Re: Irish Myth and The Veil
Post # 6
Yes :) I have looked at that website :) I thought it was very helpful :) thank you
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