hello everyone

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hello everyone
Post # 1
I have been practicing for a couple of years, and my spirit is getting restless since I only know a little bit. I am hoping to learn and grow more spiritually, hopefully find a coven to suit me. I want to learn everything that is put in front of me as long as it is harmful to none. Please share knowledge, experiences, and anything you would like. Where I live isn't very open to rituals or meeting many people. From my experience you have to know someone who knows someone, and the people I have come across, for my lack of better words, censors my learning and treats me as if I am a child (I am 26 years old). I haven't had a learning session in almost a year, so please share as much as you would like with me.
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Re: hello everyone
Post # 2
Hello syrenitie just got to let go of negativity my only advice.
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Re: hello everyone
Post # 3
I just want to learn. I want to find someone willing teach me what they know and on turn, may learn things from me as well.
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