
Forums ► Comments ► Question

Post # 1
Sorry if there is already a thread about this but I have a question,why is there not a button for editing your post,or atleast
I don't think I saw one.
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Re: Question
Post # 2
I've seen lots of questions like that asked. Such as why there is no spam filter or swear filters when its a bannable offence. Or why theres no ban appeal threads when any ban is a perma-ban that's manually taken off when its up by moderators assuming they remember.

several people bring these up and they get a lot of replies but for the most part it's just a lack of the admins doing anything. Also I'm pretty sure theres only one admin. This forum isn't very strong and is rather small so don't expect any major changes.
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Re: Question
Post # 3
I think we need the edit button for posts. I mess up all the time and have to delete then type it again and shit. well sorry if that word offended anyone its just the way i talk and type. I am not gonna change it for a few people. sorry. anyway i know i am not the only one who messes up all the time.
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Re: Question
Post # 4
The amount that has already been done on this website considering the fact that is free is astounding, and this is all done in spare time using HTML I dont know if you have ever tried to script, I have and it actually takes alot to learn and then to make sure that the codes are working, so give it time.
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Re: Question
Post # 5
Html is nothing. Go learn perl if you want to talk about hard script. Can't even read the bloody thing. Html is a joke it hasn't been done becuase no one is even working on it.
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Re: Question
Post # 6
truth- pete is trying his best to upgrade things when he feels they should be done to better the site so far he has done a good job of it.

now to answer his question.

if you need to change a post delete it and repost it to fix mistskes k but please don't fight over a little thing

go in peace and with a merry heart

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Re: Question
Post # 7
Dear Truth ~
I think that is just pointless, people get banned for a reason, this isn't a game, so we don't need "I want to play again, I've learnt my mistakes, (*muhahaha* I'm unbanned, lets SPAM!)" Thread...
Regarding the editing posts, I think it would be a good idea, but timestamps of "Last edited" would have to accompany that though.
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Re: Question
Post # 8
iwasn't trying to rush anything i was simply agreeing. i don't think anyone was rushing things just sayin it would be a good idea. XD
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Re: Question
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9
To ensure your posts say what you want them to here is a little trick. Open up what ever program you have to type documents and write your post there. When you are done use the spell checker to find misspelled words and grammer mistakes. Next proof read your post, this means to read and reread your post so that it is saying what you want it to. After you have taken the time to do this you can then copy and paste your post in the box.

If only more people did this then there would be less fighting because people would read their own posts first to see how childish they sound.
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Re: Question
Post # 10
even though I have to go back to it a week later myself to see where it sounds wrong and I'm simply bad with grammer even with a grammer package
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