dream ive been having

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dream ive been having
Post # 1
ok i know it prob means nothing but for the past week ive been having dreams of me flying around my neighborhood at night on a broomstick. and ive had this dream 3 times this week. but ive also had it before. like a couple months ago. so all together ive had it like 5 times. what could it mean? i know it doesnt mean ill be flying around on a broom but what does it symbolize?
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Re: dream ive been having
Post # 2
I once had a dream where I was running on water amongst other things, but thats the bit I remember because many people on this forum doubted that t could be done. But I reckon it can.
As for your dream, there are three main approuches,
1 search up a dream reference book thingy
2 Have someone interpret its symbology
3 Have a literal interpretation

Meaning of Flying in a Dream
Transcendence over your challenges or the mundane
Freedom (or a wish for it) from the limitations of your own mental, emotional, and physical challenges—freedom that is available by connecting with your inner joy, love, and Spirit

2 I'm no dream expert, but if you were having fun or it was a happy good dream, this may be a sign that things are well, and could mean some form of freedom, (wether physical or mental I dunno).

3 You wll one day be flying on a broom.

If the third is true, can you tell me how you do it?
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