Book Recommendations

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Book Recommendations
Post # 1

I've been learning about Wicca for little over a year. I still do not have a good full understanding of what it is.

Are there any good books or articles to read that could help me? I am currently reading Scott Cunningham's, 'Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner'.

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Re: Book Recommendations
Post # 2
I'm not Wiccan myself, but Wiccan books are where I started with over half a decade ago, so I have some recommendations. Now, most wiccan books are beginner 101 books, so when you are trying to get to the more advanced Wicca books, there is a very small range of things, especially compared to other paths. My biggest advice is look at books important to the origins of Wicca as it is today. Also, look at other paths as well, and most importantly. Wicca as I've heard, is about experiencing mostly, and evolving with those experiences.

* Recommended Wiccan Books

- A Witches Bible: The Complete Witches Handbook

- Charge of the Goddess by Doreen Valiente

- The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess [This book should serve largely as an inspirational text, as the Goddess Cult theory is since outdated and disproven, but there is still very relevant information here]

- Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today by Margot Adler

* Non-Wiccan

- Aradia: Gospel of the Witches by Charles Leland
[This is a inspiration text, and is not historically accurate]

- Evolutionary Witchcraft By T. Thorn Coyle [This is Feri or Feri Wicca]

- Mastering Witchcraft By Paul Huson

- Trading the Mill: Practical Craft in Modern Traditional Witchcraft By Nigel Pearson

- Her Hidden Children: The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America By Chas S. Clifton

- Anything by Crowley [Thelema shares its origins with Wicca in the Golden Dawn, and so Wicca and Thelema are cousins essentially]
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Re: Book Recommendations
Post # 3
Well these are a basic summary so hopefully you'll grasp them.

Laura Macoy-Where to park your broomstick

Denise Z zimmerman-The complete idiots guide to Wicca and Witchcraft

Raymond buckland-Complete book of Witchcraft

Scott cunning -Wicca a guide for the solitary practioner

Lady Sabrina-Wicca (something like the complete guide)

Lady Sabrina-Wicca(This is an updated version with more detail and info)

The Spiral Hawk?

365 or 366 days to becoming a witch/wiccan-Rodrick Timothy(I think i messed this one up but its good!)

The witch's bible

The good book of spells-Silja

Anything by : Doreen Valiente, Gardner(if you can still get work) Scott cunningham, Raymond buckland, Rodrick Timothy, Farrars, Laura Macoy, Silja, ect.




Webs :


ecouldron poopy site but it'll clear up some info)

mammahearts kitchen

wikipedia (This is not your only info!! This is not the only or the best thing)

Articles :

Awaketoolongs -both basic articles

Larks -What wicca is and isn't

Summary of wicca history

Wiccan rede and crede

13 goals of a witch

Larks- main wiccan posts

Other info's :

Lark, Bryson, Akashawolf, wicca forums, youtube, articles, ect.

*Edith hamlins mythology if needed
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