Trance Journey With Nyx

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Trance Journey With Nyx
Post # 1
This journey is most powerful if done outside on a moonless night so that the stars are bright in the sky. Go to an uninterrupted place, sit quietly and calm your thoughts. Look at the stars and ask Nyx to be with you, guide you, and bring you back to this world. As you are gazing on the stars one seems to move closer. As it does you can see the beautiful pearly white light entering you. It begins at your head, flowing down filling your heart, hands, and all the way down to your feet. You see this beautiful light eminating from your feet, your hands, your heart, your head and when you speak, from your mouth. This star light is cleansing you, taking all your blameful thoughts, words, and actions from you. These negative things are being replaced by the knowing of all that is possible and by love. In turn, visualize each person that you have condemned, or who may be condemning you. If you have harmed another, send some of this pearly white light to them and ask for their forgiveness. If another has harmed you, send some white light to them and ask that the hurt be replaced by forgiveness. Know that you are safe and protected by this beautiful starlight and that you are cleansed and ready to start anew. Thank the star for cleansing you and Nyx for being your guide and release them. Sit awhile longer and be still. Think of those whom you asked for forgiveness from and seek them out to apologize to them personally if at all possible. Carry with you the knowledge that you safe and protected by the beautiful white pearly light of the star.
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