
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► Help!me!plz!
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Post # 1
Can you still study magic even if there is no magic in your family line? I don't think there is magic running through my vains.but somehow i came across an old old book that was locked it said something really weird on the front that i can't make out. i asked my grandmother about it and she told me to never ask again.My grandmother has made some wierd things happen before.. But i have been casting spells and only one has worked and it was one i made myself. I think i may also be physcic, i get weird vivid dreams that come true. Like on the 911 disaster i had a dream a couple of nights before of a plane crashing into the twin towers but at the time it was just some big tall towers. and i also have dreams about my life that come true. it's very weird. i need to know because i really wish to be a witch it's been my dream to have powers. but every time i cast a spell it never works unless i create it myself.
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Re: Help!me!plz!
Post # 2
Sure ya can. As for ur foresights stuff might I suggest u lookinto the pychi coven. Which I think is the symbol with the human body on it.
Bright blessing
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