Disc: Festivals & Holiday

CovenNatural Magick ► Disc: Festivals & Holiday
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Disc: Festivals & Holiday
By: / Novice
Post # 1

For many of us, within our paths and traditions, we have holidays and festivals which we uphold. This is going to be the place for you to discuss what traditions, holidays, festivals, feast days, etc. you celebrate.

  • Do you have festival days/holidays within your path?
  • How do you celebrate them?
  • etc.

Re: Disc: Festivals & Holiday
By: / Novice
Post # 2

Within Santeria, there are various feast days commemorating each Orisha which are celebrated with food, drink, party, dancing, etc. Apart from those, I also celebrate Christmas and various others which can be considered "mainstream" holidays, they are usually days with family and friends with lots of food and generally the good feeling of being together with loved ones.

Re: Disc: Festivals & Holiday
Post # 3
With the Wheel of the Year and the Heathen Calendar, I miss most of them.

On Feb. 1 I acknowledge 'Spring dawning' this is the time of year when I tend to notice it getting lighter outside, it's also my birthday.

On April 15th to 20th I acknowledge 'Spring' generally this is the time of year people start planting.

I acknowledge the Summer and Winter Solstices.

September 22 I acknowledge the the last 'harvest', okay it's Pay Check honor day. I acknowledge the way I provide for my family.

October 31 & Nov 1 are Ancestor days.

Than there are the regular US Holidays I tend to make some observance of. I've never been one for 'prescribed' celebrations, I do my own thing on the days that have a meaning for me.

Re: Disc: Festivals & Holiday
By: / Novice
Post # 4

I try as best as I can to follow the "regular", wheel of the year holidays, but because I am one of the few around me that follows them I have a tendancy to forget them.

The one that I do celebrate year in and year out is Samhain, where we eat good food, drink nice is somewhat cheap drinks and generally enjoy the atmosphere of the night.

Re: Disc: Festivals & Holiday
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5

There are a lot of various fesitivies that go on in my general practice. Just to get an idea:



I do sumbels and blots, which are in the most basic sense like a type of offering, most typically around the times of year when the seasons are changing. Along with that, I tend to work with different wights and honor different deities or spirits depending on the time of year, etc. Most of this involves giving up an offering of some kind (sometimes a big feast that I've prepared and cooked, an animal I've hunted to be sacrificed, a simple pour of mead or other alcoholic beverages, etc) and toasting to the Gods as I make oaths, devotionals, and pay my respects. I also do the same for the landvaettir and ancestors when the time feels right.

Re: Disc: Festivals & Holiday
Post # 6
i celebrate the 8 wiccan sabbaths though i usually call myself a pagan, not wiccan (i do some things different than wicca but i very much base on it)
i celebrate it as my family celebrates christmas etc. i decorate my altar, my room too. i enjoy the day for its origin, and in the evening i pray and hold a ritual.

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