transforming spells

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transforming spells
Post # 1
i was lookin at the spell to transform in2 any animal thats not extinct. 2 questions. if this works can the person still tlk when they've been transformed and has this spell worked for any1?
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Re: transforming spells
Post # 2
AS I told another person...It is most certainly possible to shape shift. It is a skill that lay outside the boundaries of arcane lore though. When you deal with shape shifting, you deny the intransmutable laws of physics. If you wish to succeed at this endevour, I urge you to consider the following. Study anatomy of both the human, and the desired form you would take. Knowing is the firstr step in doing. Second, go to a library, I mean a big library, and find the book "Principles of Shamanism" by Leo Rutherford. It should provide an understanding into the bond between living creatures and the knowhow to speed you along your way.
However, no, you cannot transmute matter by chanting a few words :)
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