Enchant a Ring?

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Enchant a Ring?
Post # 1
Hey, my girlfriend recently got us these dorky little metal rings. One says "Player 1" the other says "Player 2" in which we both have one. They're cute and we both wear them a lot. They help us feel more connected, despite our long distance apart. But I was wondering if I'd be able to enchant them with something? I'm new here so not completely sure how all of this works, but it looks fun. Would any of you witches or warlocks (whatever you all go by) be willing to suggest a spell or enchantment to enchant one, or both of our rings with?
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Re: Enchant a Ring?
Post # 2
Well it depends on what you want the enchantment to be.
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Re: Enchant a Ring?
Post # 3
That's so cute! I recommend looking at the spells and other stuff even try looking on videos they help too. I hope you and your girlfriend will have good experiences in the future :)
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