A New Coven?

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A New Coven?
Post # 1
I would like to put forward a singularly unique coven.
Tell me what you think:
I wish to create a coven based not on artificial spells, and self-written (most) works. I wish to create a coven in which people can feel free to express their desire to learn. I feel it important that we as witches work to preserve the knowledge of our craft and not allow it to deteriorate into the now all too common mindless banter.
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Re: A New Coven?
Post # 2
What Lenzo means is that alot of people try to make applications for covens so there are alot of them petraca needs to rejest and aprove. So there is a good chance for it not being accepted. But there is hope...somewhere.
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Re: A New Coven?
Post # 3
thats a good idea
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