Need help protecting mom

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Need help protecting mom
Post # 1

I am new here, and have been studying magic for a while now, never having actively cast a spell. My instincts tell me this is the time to become active, so I am looking for some advice on the best route to take.

I believe my brother in-law is a very dark, powerful person, who enjoys death. I have seen this over many years, he enjoys funerals, and shows this by "photo bombing" and cracking inappropriate jokes at funeral services.
His behavior is despicable and disrespectful on many levels, to my entire family. Most recently, when my mom had a stroke, he was encouraging her to die, while waiting over 2 hours to call an ambulance. Even with this knowledge, most of my siblings are blind to his continuous abuse, as if they are under a spell, they are like zombies when he is around. Is there a spell that will not cause harm, that I can use to expose him for who he is and also to free my siblings from his grasp? I am terrified that he will be successful in killing my mother, if he gets another chance.

Thanks so much for your time,

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Re: Need help protecting mom
Post # 2

You should consider seeking for help outside magic, at first. If he has such behavior it is not normal and should definetly be investigated. that sounds like lack of empathy and lack of right and wrong. He should be investigated and sent to a hospital, specially if he encourages a person to die.

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Re: Need help protecting mom
Post # 3

I encourage trying to get your brother-in-law tested for mental illness. I see no need for magick in this situation, unless it's the last possible option.

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Re: Need help protecting mom
Post # 4

In the hospital a special therapist will investigate his brain. Lack of empathy and lack of sense on what's right and wrong is not normal and it's dangerous. It should be investigated. Magic won't help you in everything.

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Re: Need help protecting mom
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Question: How do you know he waited 2 hours before calling for help? And how do you know he was encouraging her to die? If these are true, then report him!
Wow, some people..
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